While many are searching for peace outside, we believe that world peace MUST begin from each and everyone of us. That is why we promote the use of meditation in order to help individuals cultivate peace from within.

Open to men of all ethnicities and backgrounds, the European Ordination Program provides the opportunity to learn about Buddhism and a monk's way of life. Taking part in the experience will aid in the cultivation of one's inner peace.

The Dhammakaya Foundation is a non-profit organisation, based on personal development, aiming to promote activities for the restoration of morality in individuals, families, societies, and the world.

Latest news and announcements

The ordination program for 2025 will be held in in Wat Phra Dhammakaya London, between 2nd-22nd June 2025.

Date   Activity
2 June   Registration
8 June   Ordination day
9-15 June   Meditation retreat
16 -22 June   Return to local Temple or disrobing

Learn more about the 2025 ordination program by registering here for an online information evening (link to join the meeting is at the top of the form).

The online information evenings are held by Lp Note and Lp Sander, and take place on Saturday 25th January, and Friday 28th March between 19:30 to 20:30 CET (or 18:30-19:30 UK time), where anyone can ask questions they might have about the program.

Latest news and announcements can be found on our Whatsapp group

What is the European Ordination Program?

The European Ordination Program (EOP) has been established by the vision of Luang Por Dhammajayo, the Abbot of Wat Phra Dhammakaya, to introduce Buddhism to the people in The European Union (EU), and others around the world. The program was organized for the first time in 2013 at Wat Phra Dhammakaya Benelux, Belgium. Many participants in The EU from different countries such a England, Belgium, France, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, The Netherlands, Italy, Malta, Austria, and Switzerland joined the program. When it concluded, all were very satisfied with the program, and some even had the intention to join the same kind of program again the following year.

The European committee, consisting of 29 branches of Wat Phra Dhammakaya in The EU then decided to organise the program every year. Subsequently, more and more participants in The EU have joined the EOP.

The EOP provides the opportunity for all the qualified persons in The EU who have interest in studying the Dhamma of the Buddha, to use the knowledge they learn and practice from the program to benefit their lives with more happiness and prosperity.

In the program, all participants have the opportunity to learn about the Theravada Buddhist monk's life, to train themselves with the Buddhist disciplines and Buddhist cultures, to practice meditation, to study a variety of Buddhist Dhamma topics, and to understand more about the Theravada Buddhist monk's life. The course of study in the program has been continuously well-developed from the beginning up until the present, by becoming more efficient in training those who are not raised as Buddhists, enabling them to learn and apply the teachings in this short period of time after the program is concluded.

We therefore would like to invite all qualified persons for The Theravada-Monk Ordination to join the EOP again this year. Latest news, announcements, and more information about The EOP is available at all EU branches of Wat Phra Dhammakaya, and can also be found on our facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/EOPBenelux.


Qualifications for those who would like to join the program are:

  1. Male between 20-60 years old
  2. A person with acceptable good behaviour as observed and can be attested to by their peers
  3. A person who lives a simple life, has good health, has no contagious diseases, mental illnesses, or physical impairments.
  4. A person who has no drug addictions or criminal records
  5. A written consent from a parent, guardian, spouse, or closest living relative is required for those who wish to join The EOP.

Items Required to Join the Program

Items that are not allowed during the Training Program

Thank you for your interest in The EOP and we look forward to your participation


The ordination program for 2025 will be held in in Wat Phra Dhammakaya London, between 2nd-22nd June 2025.

Things to do before your arrival

You will need to memorise some text for the ordination ceremony

How do I join?

Click on the registration button below and fill out the form to join the ordination program


European Ordination Program 2023

Between 8th-30th July 2023, the ninth batch of EOP was ordinated at Wat Phra Dhammakaya Benelux and trained by experienced teaching monks at Wat Dhammakaya Korsør Lystskov.

See previous programs

Temples in Europe

🇦🇹 Austria

Wat Phra Dhammakaya Austria
Buddhistisches Meditationszentrum Linz,
Weissdornweg 21, 4030 Linz
Tel (+43)-073-220-7211
Tel (+43)-699-1720-6002
Wat Buddha Vienna
Bitterlichstrasse 11, 1100 wien
Tel (+43)-1688-1837

🇧🇪 Belgium

Wat Phra Dhammakaya Benelux
Ronkenburgstraat 25, B-9340
Lede, Aalst
Tel (+32)-53-39-49-09

🇩🇰 Denmark

Wat Phra Dhammakaya Denmark
GI. Landevej 12, Gramrode, 7130
Tel (+45)46-59-00-72
Tel (+45)42-59-00-72
Wat Phra Dhammakaya Korsør Lystskov
Skovvej 120, 4220 Korsør
Tel (+45)43-44-00-72

🇫🇷 France

Wat Phra Dhammakaya Paris
77, Avenue du President Francios
Mitterrand, 7200 Torcy
Tel (+33)-01-64683833
Wat Phra Dhammakaya Bordeaux
3 Rue Aurelian Couperie, 33440
Tel (+33) 540 128 636

🇩🇪 Germany

Wat Phra Dhammakaya Bavaria
Heinkel Str.1, D-86343 Koenigsbrunn,
Tel (+49)-8231-9574-530
Tel (+49)-8231-9574-531
Wat Phra Dhammakaya Schwarzwald
Wilhelm-Franz Str. 1, D-77971,
Tel (+49)-078-2520-9864
Tel (+49)-078-2520-9865
Wat Phra Dhammakaya Berlin
Dahlewitzer Dorf Str.40A 15827
Tel (+49)033-7089-09888
Wat Phra Dhammakaya Frankfurt
Odenwald Str.22, D-65479,
Tel (+49)-614-2833-0888
Tel (+49)-614-2833-0889
Wat Buddha Heilbronn
Raiffeisen Str.58, D-74182
Tel (+49)-713-4516-5651
Tel (+49)-713-4516-5652
Wat Buddha Nordrhein Westfalen
Roemer Str. 586, D-47443,
Tel (+49)-2841-881-3581
Wat Phra Dhammakaya Hamburg
Wilhelm Str. 34, D-21640,
Tel (+49)-041-6382-6924
Wat Phra Dhammakaya Rheinland
Mainzer Str.255, D-55218
Tel (+49)-6432-719-3890

🇮🇸 Iceland

Wat Buddha Iceland
Tjarnargata 7.230 Reykhanesbaer

🇮🇹 Italy

Wat Phra Dhammakaya Italy
Via Baraggiola 2, 28010, Vaprio d'Agogna,
Tel (+39)-033-138-6721
Wat Buddha Venezia
Villa Sasso -Schiavo Via
S.Lorenzo 7 36066 Sandrigo

🇳🇱 Netherlands

Wat Phra Dhammakaya Netherlands
Koningstraat 47, 6654 AA Afferden,
Tel (+31)-687-218-821

🇳🇴 Norway

Wat Phra Dhammakaya Norway
Hvittingfossveien 343, 3080
Tel (+47)33-09-66-09
Tel (+47)47-26-15-12
Wat Phra Dhammakaya Eigersund
Sorlandsveien 314, 4376,
Email Dhammakaya-norway@hotmail.com

🇸🇪 Sweden

Wat Phra Dhammakaya Borås
Kvibergsgatan 79, 50467
Tel (+46)33-418-724
Tel (+46)739-130-332
Wat Phra Dhammakaya North Sweden
Brynasgatan 6, 80280
Tel (+46)070-065-77-32
Tel (+46)072-912-33-34
Wat Phra Dhammakaya Stockholm
Marstaplan 3, 148 60 Stora Vika
Tel (+46)-762-096-387

🇨🇭 Switzerland

Wat Phra Dhammakaya Switzerland
Gumm 11, 3508 Arni (BE)
Tel (+41)-031-7011-121

🇬🇧 United Kingdom

Wat Phra Dhammakaya London
2 Brushfield Way,
Knaphill, Woking,
GU21 2TG
Tel (+44)1483-489633
Tel (+44)1483-475757
Wat Phra Dhammakaya Manchester
233A, Edgeley Road,
Edgeley, Stockport,
Tel (+44)1619-004424
Tel (+44)7745-470705
Wat Phra Dhammakaya Newcastle
Church Street
Hebburn, Tyne And Wear,
NE31 1DR
Tel (+44)1914-894223
Tel (+44)7595-301731
Wat Phra Dhammakaya Scotland
15 Charlotte St,
Helensburgh, Dunbartonshire
G84 7QS
Tel (+44)772-2145-005